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Day Plan

The school day starts at 8:55 am and finishes between 3:15 pm and 20 pm, depending on the year group. Registration is from 8:45 am to 8:55 am

Morning break

Morning Break of 10 minutes is between10:20 am -10:30 am for the majority of classes. Some KS2 classes take their break between 10.30 – 10.40am to allow for a longer morning session.


All children have a one-hour lunch break between 11:45am and 1:15pm depending on the year group.

Afternoon Break (KS1 only)

KS1 have a 10-minute break in the afternoon.

A typical school day at Hadley Wood Primary School

The below is a general breakdown of the school day. Each class and Key Stage has a slightly different timetable according to their individual requirements.




Gates open

8.45 – 8.55

Gates open. Children make their own way to the classroom. Teachers will meet them and greet them.



The register closes at 8.55am.Late arriving children to go to the office to be registered.


10.00 – 10.20

MONDAY – Values

TUESDAY – Singing



FRIDAY – Achievement

Morning play time

10.20 – 10-30

From whole-school assembly’s children go out to play.


Rec – 11.45

Yrs 1-4 12.00

Yrs 5 & 6 12.15

Lunchtime is 60 minutes long for all children. At the end of lunchtime teachers collect the class from the playground and walk back to the classroom


1.00 – 1.15


School ends

KS1 - 3.15

KS2 – 3.20  

(Where children have not been collected by 3.30 they will be brought to the office

Children are brought to the playground by their class teacher unless they are attending a club.

A few children in years 5 and 6 have permission to walk home alone (from their parents).