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School applications for Reception September 2023 places are now open. If you would like any support with your application, please contact the school office on 0208 440 4359. There is also a step-by-step guide on how to apply.

The school admissions policy is in line with the London Borough of Enfield procedures.

For information about the breakdown of allocations at Enfield schools for children starting in our Reception Class for the previous 4 years, view the Local Authority reception allocation breakdown.

Reception Admissions - September 2025

Hadley Wood are delighted to offer 30 Reception places for children born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021.

The online admission system will soon be open for you to apply for your child's Reception place for September 2025. Please click here to start your application.

The latest date for your application to be treated as an on-time application is 15 January 2025. Any applications made after this date are treated as late applications.

We have two school tours booked for Wednesday 13th November 2024 6.30 - 7.30pm and Saturday 30th November 2024 10.30 - 11.30am. Please contact the school office to book a place or click

For further information about applying online, see Enfield's step by step guide.

New Parent Visits

We offer two parent tours each year to offer perspective parents the opportunity to view our school and speak with members of the School Leadership Team. The dates for our Perspective Parent Meetings will be made available in the first few weeks of the autumn term.  We have also prepared a short virtual tour to provide new parents with a brief tour of our grounds. Please click on the link below to watch our virtual tour:

For further information, please see our Welcome Booklet

In-Year Applications

If you move into Enfield and require a school place for your child, you need to complete an 'in-year' application form to apply for a place. You will also need to complete this form if you want to request a school transfer for your child. You can find all the information you need regarding in-year admissions on this page.

In-year admission forms can only be completed by parents/carers who live in the London Borough of Enfield. If you live outside the London Borough of Enfield, you must contact your own local authority to ask for the relevant application form. You should return the completed form, together with documentation to confirm the child's date of birth to the following address:

London Borough of Enfield
PO Box 56, Civic Centre
Silver Street, Enfield

School Admissions Appeals 

You can appeal if your child has been refused a place at our school. The Local Authority School Appeals Service administers the process.

Academies, Voluntary Aided or Foundation schools are responsible for their own appeal arrangements. You should contact the school for details.

There are separate arrangements for school places offered to children who have a full statement of special educational needs (SEN) or an education health and care plan (EHCP). If this applies to your child, contact our SEN Service.

The Local Authority school appeals guidance (PDF, 156.45 KB) will help you understand:

  • how the appeals process works
  • what will happen at an appeal hearing
  • how the appeal panel will make its decision on your appeal

For further information, please visit Enfield Council appeals page on their website. We have also uploaded the school appeals guidance below. 

Frequently Asked Admissions Questions

How many children do you offer places to each academic year?

We are a single-form entry school and so we are currently able to offer thirty places in our Reception Class.

What is your admission criteria?

We follow the Enfield admission criteria which can be found at:

Children are admitted using the following criteria in the order outlined:

Children with an Education, Health and Care Plan will be offered a place at a school if it is named in accordance with the Education Act 1996

  • Children in public care (looked after children) and children who were adopted (or subject to residence orders or special guardianship orders) immediately following having been looked after.
  • Children for whom a particular school is appropriate on exceptional medical grounds
  • Children with a brother or sister who will be attending the school or linked junior school at the time of proposed admission
  • Children whose parent is a member of staff who has been employed at the school concerned for two or more years at the time of application
  • Children living nearest to the school measured as the crow flies, that is, in a straight line from the child’s home to the main entrance of the school

What is your catchment area?

We do not have a catchment area or priority zones in the local area. The distance we offer places each year varies and often depends on the number of siblings we admit each year. We are unable to offer information on the likelihood of your child being offered a place as all admissions are managed and offered by the Local Authority.

My child has additional needs – is Hadley Wood the right school for us?

Please contact the school directly to speak with our SENCO/Inclusion Manager. It is important to liaise with the school your child receives a place for so that the Reception Team is prepared. Depending on your child’s additional needs training might need to be accessed or equipment purchased to facilitate a smooth transition for all pupils.

What time does the school day start/finish?

Our Reception children start school with our other pupils at 8.50am. Children will start entering school at 8:45am to give them time to put their coats away and settle into class for the day. We do ask that all children are punctual and on time as it is important for children to get in to this routine early. School finishes at 3.20pm for all pupils.

Do you offer after-school clubs and wrap-around care?

We do offer a variety of after-school clubs across the course of the week which incur a small charge with some being made available to our Reception age children. All after-school clubs finish by 4.20pm at the latest. We also run a breakfast club from 7.30am each morning which operates on a drop-in basis so does not need to be pre-booked. There is a small charge for the facility.

What will my child have for lunch?

Pupils can either have packed lunch or choose school dinners for a healthy cooked meal to be prepared for them. Full information regarding lunch and eating at school can be found on the ‘Health and Wellbeing – Menus’ area of the website.

I like the school, what happens next?

Children are admitted to the Reception class in the September after their fourth birthday (September being the beginning of the school year). If your child was born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021, you should apply for them to start their primary school education in September 2025.

Visit eAdmissions to register and complete an online application for primary school for Autumn term. You can make your application online at Home | eAdmissions