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Our Governors

Hadley Wood School’s Governing Body consists of 10 governors, members of Britain’s largest volunteer force, and the Headteacher. Our governors come from diverse backgrounds and bring with them a wide range of skills and experience (outlined in the Governor Biographies). There are also three Associate Members who provide additional expertise and experience but do not have voting rights.

Governors meet on a regular basis to provide strategic leadership and to ensure accountability. The Governing Body has three key functions:

  1. Ensuring the clarity of vision and ethos, and the long-term strategic direction, of Hadley Wood School;
  2. Holding School leaders to account for the educational performance of the School and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of its staff;
  3. Overseeing the financial performance of the School and making sure its money is well spent.

Although Hadley Wood School’s governors have statutory responsibilities, such as agreeing the school budget and expenditure, they do not get involved in the day-to-day operational running of the School. Their role is one of ‘critical friend’, asking questions and providing challenge and support in any areas in which they have expertise. Governor training is provided by the local authority which offers training sessions for both new and more experienced governors. Additionally, Hadley Wood School runs its own training when required.

Governors fall into different categories depending on how they are appointed (Co-opted, Local Authority and Associate Governors) or elected (Parent and Staff Governors) to the Governing Body. Governors’ terms of office are normally four years. The Chair and Vice-Chair of Governors are elected annually by voting members of the Governing Body. The current Governing Body is constituted as follows:

Chair of Governors

Mr. Richard Walker  

Vice Chair of Governors

Mrs Joanna Lee


Mrs. Fran Worby

Co-opted Governors (6)

Mr. Nick Cockburn

Mrs Joanna Lee (Vice Chair)

Mrs Komal Parmar 

Mr. Nigel  Roth

Mr. Richard Walker (Chair)


LA Governor (1)

Mrs. Ann Evans   

Parent Governors (2)

Mr. Rimal Patel 

Mrs Maria Rogers

Staff Governor (1)

Ms T. Stanley

Associate Members 

Cllr. Alessandro Georgiou

Mrs. Lynsey Jennings 

The full Governing Board meets four times a year: twice in Autumn Term, and once in Spring and Summer Terms respectively. Governors are also required to join one or more of two committees that deal with specific aspects of the Governing Body’s work. The current committees are:

  • Curriculum & Achievement – renamed (from Curriculum Committee) in 2024, the Curriculum & Achievement Committee scrutinises the effectiveness of teaching and learning, and the delivery of the curriculum in meeting the needs and raising achievement of all children.
  • Resources – formed in 2024 from the merger of the Finance, Staffing and Premises Committees, the Resources Committee is primarily responsible for overseeing the financial management of the School, ensuring all School funds are used appropriately and that the right financial decisions are made. It oversees performance management of the Head Teacher, leaders and staff, ensures staffing plans meet the needs of the School and its pupils, and reviews staff feedback and wellbeing needs. It also looks at the state of the buildings and grounds belonging to the School, the maintenance required, and health and safety issues, and lettings of the School premises to external bodies.

The Chairs of these committees are:

Curriculum & Achievement Committee

Chair – Mr. Richard Walker

Resources Committee

Chair – Mr. Nigel Roth

The Curriculum and Achievement Committee meets three times each year, once each term. The Resources Committee meets four times each year: once in each of the Autumn and Spring Terms, and twice in the Summer Term.

In addition to the committees, some of the responsibilities of the Governing Body are delegated to Link Governors.  These are members of the Governing Body who have a particular skill or interest in a particular area linked to the School Development Plan. Current Link Governors have individual responsibility for: Child Protection and Safeguarding, Early Years Provision, GDPR, Inclusion, Learning Walks, and Training and Development.

The aims and targets that guide the Governing Body annually are set out at the start of each academic year in the Governors’ Key Activities Plan, which itself is guided by the school’s own School Development Plan. The Key Activities Plan is reviewed at each Governing Board meeting to monitor the rate of progress in attaining those aims and targets.

Important Governor Documents