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Term Dates

As we are a state maintained primary school, our term dates and school holidays are set by Enfield Council. 

For each academic year, we determine when to hold our five In-Service Training Days (INSET Days) - we always aim to position these before or after a school holiday to support working parents and carers with arranging childcare during periods of school closure.    

Holidays in term time

Schools have no authority to authorise absence for a family holiday during term time.

Any such absence is unauthorised. We would appreciate advanced notification of any absence wherever possible so we can account for your child’s absence without needing to call or text you.

Please consider the following:

While you are away for 1 week your child will miss approximately:

  • 5 hours of maths
  • 5 hours of literacy
  • 10 hours of science, religious education, music, art, physical education, geography, history, design & technology and information technology

If your child has a holiday of 2 weeks during term time and has a 1 week period of sickness in one school year they will miss:

  • 15 hours of literacy
  • 15 hours of maths
  • 30 hours of learning other subjects

If this pattern were to be repeated throughout your child’s school life they would miss 36 weeks of their education.

Thinking of taking a holiday in term time? Please think again.

Where parents do not follow the school’s procedures of submitting a request and simply remove their child without seeking prior approval, a warning may not be given and you may be liable for a penalty notice.

If you do not follow the correct procedure and you still take your child out of school each parent within your household may be issued with a £60 penalty notice for each child you have taken out of school. If a penalty notice remains unpaid after 21 days it will increase to £120. If after 28 days it remains unpaid you may be summonsed to appear before Magistrates to explain why your child has unauthorised school absences and you may be liable for a fine of up to £1000.


Below are the term dates for the current school year as well as the term dates for the next school year.